How do I sign up for a trip? Is there a prepayment required?

How far in advance do I need to book?

What's included in the trip price?

Do you have special rates for groups?

Should I book my airline tickets first?

How long before you confirm the reservation? What happens then?

What kind of payment methods do you accept? Can I pay by credit card?

Do you offer any discounts to repeating customers?

What if I cancel my trip?

Can I change my mind and transfer to another trip even after I've already made a reservation?

How much luggage can I take?

Do I have to carry my own luggage or gear?

If I'm traveling alone, can I have a private room?

Will I need a passport or a visa if I'm traveling internationally?

How do I get to the start of the trip? How will I get to the airport at the trip's end?

When will I receive more detailed information about my trip so I can start planning?

What will I need to bring?

What kind of shape do I need to be in to enjoy my trip?

How should I train for my trip?

How long will we be active each day?

How large will my group be?

How can I arrange my travel before and after my AdventureRide trip?

Is it allowed for kids to participate in cross-country riding?

What are standard accommodations on the trips?

How do I know what city I am supposed to fly in?

Can I bring someone who does not ride?

Do AdventureRide supply duffel bags or saddlebags?

Can I bring my own saddle?

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